3 generation

I got an email today, Do I capture BIG families? Yes I do! I LOVE to capture BIG FAMILIES and a so many kids around!

Please contact me, write how big is your family, total people and kids age. Do you prefer early morning or before sunset?
Light is better before sunset, kids are better smiles in the morning. 🙂
We use to write the list of the group we need to capture. Here is an example:
- All families together
- Every family photos (kids with parents, solo photos for kids)
- All kids together
- Grandparents together
- Grandparents and kids
- Grandparents and grandkids
- Each family with grandparents
- All ladies (all generations)
- …

Usually session last for 1.5 – 2 hours, we are starting with families and kids, and capture adults later. Kids can’t cooperate more then 20 minutes, they need to run/eat/sleep/jump and etc 🙂

Love to capture real emotions, smiles, kisses, hugs.

Please contact me to schedule your session!